Meet Erin

Hi! You made it to the "about me" page, which means you're wondering who the woman behind all things "Erin Burr" is. Well, I'm going to keep it fairly short because you can look at my Instagram or you can listen to my podcast - Beautifully Rebellious - to get a good idea of what I'm about.

But in case you're wondering how I got here, what led me to wanting to help women live in their truth, then I got you. 

Like many of us, I grew up being a people pleaser. It was one of my survival techniques. I was brought up in a single-parent household, my mom often at work - like she had to be - and various family members helping to raise myself and my brother until I was about 12. From there it was a solo act. I learned how to wear the mask, to keep quiet and not ruffle feathers. Essentially, I learned - NO, mastered how to hide who I really was. 

I began going to church when I was about 18, (not including the times I was dragged to church as a child). This is also around the time I met the man I would marry. We got married just shy of turning 21 -something I do not advocate for looking back. We were married for 15 or 16 years before officially becoming divorced. In the time we were married, we had two amazing children. He was also a pastor and the church life is one that takes over your life. I was taught to sacrifice my wants for the church and for his career growth...anniversary trips canceled because the lead pastor said it would be good for him to preach on the main stage that weekend. Being a pastor's wife meant upholding an image because the pastor - the leader of the church - cannot look like he doesn't know what he's doing behind the scenes. This meant I was in an extremely lonely place. No true friends. No one I felt I could turn to because anything I said could cost him is job...our livelihood. 

Over the years, I began to rebel, in small ways. Pushing the boundaries of the "rules." Getting tattoos to stand apart from the traditional look. Dying my hair every possible color. lol I call this stage, the caged lion stage because the true me was scratching at the surface, trying so hard to emerge and be seen. 

Eventually, the problems in our marriage, plus the obvious fact that we weren't the same people we were when we got married began to compound. One thing led to the next and we agreed to trial a separation. In this time, we each were doing our own individual types of therapy. This is where I began to find myself again. I slowly began to open the cage for that lion...lioness. 

It's been 5 years now since I began that journey. (Maybe more depending on when you're reading started in 2020, just know that.) Since then, I've grown immensely. I've learned and am continuing to learn (because growth is a forever thing) who I am, how to use my voice, my personal values, how to have and uphold boundaries, my innate creative power to manifest and design a life I want, and so much more. 

Now, my mission is to help other women do the same because I 100% believe we are here, on this planet as creators, made to create and LIVE the very best life we can imagine. This takes work, this takes healing, and this takes faith. However, that's why I am help you, guide you, and teach you just how special, amazing, and magical you are!!